
Theatro CEO Chris Todd to Speak at Future Stores Seattle 2018

DALLAS – May 30, 2018

Theatro, pioneers of the world’s first voice-controlled mobile app platform for the hourly workforce, today announced that Theatro President and CEO, Chris Todd, will speak at Future Stores Seattle on June 20th, 2018.

Todd will give a “TED Talk” style presentation titled “The Mobile Revolution Has Left The Hourly Worker Behind.” The mobile revolution has transformed the world by spawning massive productivity gains across almost every sector of the world’s economy with one jarring omission, the hourly workforce. They are unempowered and underperforming without instant mobile access to critical information that would enable them to do their jobs better.

“There are over 32 million hourly service workers in the U.S. who disconnect from modern communication technology once they clock into work,” said Chris Todd, CEO, Theatro. “While the rest of the world has gone mobile, the hourly workforce has been left behind with only a two-way radio in their attempt to service today’s always connected retail customer.”

Theatro is innovating mobile voice apps for these forgotten hourly employees so they can be “heads-up and hands-free” while doing their job. Much like how Alexa and Google Assistant are using conversational voice to transform home computing, Theatro’s voice-controlled mobile app platform is transforming retail by giving each retail associate an AI-powered intelligent assistant in their ear that can be used to instantly access their teammates, headquarters, and critical enterprise systems. “By intelligently connecting mobile employees to the information they need, we are enabling store teams to be significantly more productive while delivering amazing customer experiences,” said Todd.

Retail is the posterchild of mobile disruption: expectations by customers have never been higher. The market is picking winners and losers every day and customers are rewarding frictionless retailers. Everyone attending Future Stores should come to Chris Todd’s session “The Mobile Revolution Has Left the Hourly Retail Worker Behind” to hear how Theatro is quickly becoming a critical component in the quest to transform retail.


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Theatro, based in Dallas Texas, brings the advantages of IoT, wearables, and new workforce-optimized mobile voice apps together in a SaaS offering to provide companies in retail, hospitality and manufacturing with a new breed of mobile solutions for hourly employees. The Theatro intelligent assistant and mobile apps connect hourly employees to each other and to critical enterprise applications; with Theatro, employees stay focused on the customer, without having to look at a screen to access information. Theatro’s solution enables employees to play their role in providing an incredible customer experience while increasing sales, employee productivity, conversion rates and operational profitability.

For more information, visit theatrostaging.wpengine.com/


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