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TD Ameritrade tests stock buying through Alexa

by Suman Bhattacharyya

TD Ameritrade customers can now buy stocks using Amazon Alexa devices.

It’s treating the feature release like an experiment. By adding voice trading, TD Ameritrade is adding another way customers can interact with the business, and learning from the experience in the process. It’s moving in the same direction as consumer-facing retailers, adding voice to a growing menu of communication and transaction platforms. Customers can already trade through text, tweet, Facebook Messenger and through a mobile app — voice just completes the circle in the toolbox available to customers.

“It’s another quiver in our omnichannel strategy,” said Sunayna Tuteja, head of digital strategy, experience and innovation at TD Ameritrade. “I’m a big believer that innovation doesn’t happen in a lab; you need to put a product or experience into the wild. Based on customer feedback, we’ll keep perfecting it.”

Read Full Article: Digiday

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