
Anytime, Anywhere Access, Stores Magazine

The April 2017 edition of Stores Magazine carried an in-depth feature of Neiman Marcus’ success implementing Theatro in their stores.

Theatro’s workforce communications platform lets them access an AI-powered virtual assistant, critical systems, experts and updates – using only their voice. Neiman’s associates are heads-up and hands-free and their customer’s in-store experience has drastically improved.

Theatro allows each wearer to connect simply by tapping the device, saying “hello” followed by the intended target’s name, and be instantly in touch. Allison notes this is helpful when, for example, someone in a fitting room needs a different size, and the associate there can easily find another associate on the floor to bring it.

Theatro also allows mangers like Allison to leave important messages, notes of recognition and training information in individual mailboxes on the device. The Theatro system is connected to the store’s internal system, enabling associates to perform inventory lookup or price checks with a simple voice command.

Contextual Personalization

Theatro’s benefits might seem more obvious for larger or big-box stores, but Todd says the solution also is ideal for retailers with numerous small locations. (Theatro is a software-as-a-service-solution, on a per-employee subscription format.)

Printed Publication, Stores Magazine, April 2017 edition.


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